Sunday, August 31, 2008

Knitting, crocheting, sewing, uh, huh!

Okay, I'm in a better frame of mind now. After my meeting with the medical oncologist last week, my fears were calmed. I had a pet scan and everything was clear except for some arthritis in my collar bone. I can live with that! I will have my first treatment this Thursday. I'm ready to get started so it can be done with. J is going fishing for three days starting tomorrow. He really needs some time away to get his head cleared. I only have plans to go to dinner with my girlfriends on Wednesday evening at Blue Koi.
I finished Owen's sweater except for the buttons and blocking. The sleeves are a bit short, but he looks so cute in it. I then made a spiral blanket in Jayhawk colors. I may save it for Bryan and Niclole's next baby. I am finishing a french market bag in green hemp that will probably be a Christmas gift and have my shell on the needles, dying to begin a lace shawl and baby booties.
I have also been slowly working on Owen's fabric book. I have all the pages cut out and the appliques cut and marked. Now I just need to put it together.
My usage goal this quarter is to use as much of the body lotion as I can. I have samples, hotel bottles, gifts from people. It should last me at least a year. I was successful using the shampoo and haven't bought any until today. How ironic! It'll probably last a year with the amount of hair I will have by this time next week. Whata ya goin' to do?

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